YES - We sell Bikes
YES - We order Bikes
YES - We stock Bikes

Bikes Built to order

With the constant strain on supply chains, import delays, price rises and all the usual “covid pressures”

We lean heavily on the great online resources offered by bike brands to help you select the most suitable bike for your needs plus with my 25yrs experience to assist your choice of bike.

We carry key models in stock & order bikes in as required.

We attempt to have a few key models assembled to use for test rides and sizing.

This way I can supply you with the best deal on your new bike.





Supporting your local bike shop

Local bike stores are an important part of the cycling world, however, the reality is, there is less money in bike retail now and more work.

We believe a bike shop is a better option than a cheap internet company. Bike shops must adapt, grow, work together, share great ideas and look after their customers better than they have in the past.

We believe a bike is more than just the frame, components, and wheels. Having knowledgeable people who know their stuff, and who make sure it's the right choice and fit for you is by far more important than getting the cheapest deal. That cheap internet company may look attractive when they advertise specials, but they won't help you improve, they won't advise you how to stay safe on your commute to work, and they sure won't fix something on the spot for you while you wait.

Personally, I love coming to work. My passion for bikes continues to grow every year. I like bike mechanics because it has a good amount of human interaction. The work is active and never boring. Helping people become better at something they want to be good at is also incredibly rewarding.

Im not here to one day go and choose the leather trim on a super yacht from selling Shimano Chains below cost price. Im here because cycling like yours is my passion, its what I have put my entire life into, along with everything I had to offer a place to keep you riding. I want you to feel the same excitement my bike has given and taken me places.

Help us, help you